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Best Practices For Creating FB Video Ads

Best Practices For Creating FB Video Ads

Social media platforms have become a battleground for marketing campaigns. Each day brands come up with new ways to attract the attention of potential buyers.

Facebook is among the most popular social media platforms with a huge amount of users. All types of brands advertise their products and services via Facebook ads.

Best Practices For FB Video Ads

Video ads have become immensely popular as visual content grabs the attention of viewers more quickly as compared to textual one. The best video ad creation practices followed on each social media platform differ.

Follow the below mentioned best practices while creating video ads for Facebook for maximum impact:

Video Ads Must Be Eye-Catching

Humans have an attention span of around 9 seconds. It’s very important to grab the attention of the viewer during this time. People scroll through their social media pages for long hours without pausing. The video ads you create must be able to connect with the users and force them to pause and pay attention.

Design attractive video ads by adding intriguing questions in the thumb stops. Things like bold statements, visually attractive colors and cool graphics add up to make your advertisements stand out among the crowd. The goal is to advertise your product by capturing the attention of social media users.

Make Short Ads

People scroll at a fast pace. To keep up with it, your ads must be of a shorter span. The Facebook video ads are recommended to have a span of 5 to 15 seconds. This limit is for in-video ads. The advertisements posted on the newsfeed have a maximum period of 240 minutes. But the shorter it is, the more people will be able to watch the full video.

The brand must make an appearance earlier in the video ad. According to studies, people remember the brand name better if it’s mentioned in the first three seconds of the ad.

Place You Call-To-Action In The Middle

The purpose of a video ad is to compel users to visit the website of the brand and make a purchase. This implies that the CTA must have a maximum impact. Avoid placing the CTA at the start as people are less likely to click on it before seeing what the brand is offering. Placing it at the end is also not a good idea as most people don’t watch full videos.

The conversion rate of pre-roll CTA placement is 3.15% and for the end ones, it’s 10.98%.

The CTA must be added mid-roll for increased chances of conversion. An impressive 16.95% of users convert to website visitors when the CTA is placed in the middle of the video ads.


Make Vertical Videos

The perfect structure of the videos is vertical. The videos must be mobile-friendly. The aspect ratio must also be according to the mobile screen resolutions. The specs of the videos must be 9:16 vertically as these specs are more engaging for users.

Optimize Your Videos For Sound Off

According to students, people do not like loud videos with auto-playing audios. As per reports, 85 % of users on Facebook watch muted videos. A majority of people prefer videos with subtitles rather than loud sounds.

You must design your videos relevant to sound off mode. The sound must be there, but the video must still seem understandable if it’s played after muting. You can use logos, captions, subtitles, or title cards to create an impact.

Optimize The Title And Description

The first thing that grabs the attention of the viewers is the title and description of the video. You must create a title that is catchy and SEO optimized. The title and description must contain all the relevant keywords.

Be Clear About Your Goals

You must have a clear objective while creating video ads for Facebook. Are you putting up ads for achieving maximum conversion, increasing traffic, or spreading brand awareness?

Compose the content of the video ads according to the motive of the video ads. Facebook offers a variety of optimization options and helps you upgrade your videos according to your intent.

Thumbnail Must Be Catchy

The thumbnail is the first thing a user sees. It must be relevant to the video and attractive as well. If you are successful in winning the attention of the users through a thumbnail, then it’s a good step forward.


Facebook is a great platform for advertising your products and services. Video ads are responsible for taking your brand forward. Design your FB video ads in such a manner that they represent your brand in the best way possible and present your goals.